I just can't sleep yet so I come here to burst out my tensions. Really...I haven't sleep early for about three days (yet, I do that always). Probably because I didn't have any class on Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday seems an off day for everyone (just for this short sem), and I did't back home for this week, so.....this week is loaded with some bunch of crap activities...you guys want to know?
No, I think you can guess what it is.
Its ME,crap!
1. Sleep,sleep and sleep. There's nohing pleasure you can do during the off day other than landing yourself on the comfy bed and plumpy pillow....zzzzz~
2. Eat lots of stuff. Yo here me?? Yes, eating! What's so good about eating? For me, when you eat, you can reduce and prevent your anger become worsen, eating helps people who is in undera great pressure(this only works with a yummiest food), eating can feed your hunger satisfaction and, lots lots other benefits!! So,go start eating something now my fellow friends!!
3. Surfing internet all day long. This only happens when you have a broadband. Yes, its an uncurable disease for those who had to update their profiles in friendster, myspace, facebook, blogs and any other things. Oh, yes, I need an internet to stay on going on my pc for the sake of my passion for animes. Uh, I love you so internet.
4. Listening to Yuna's songs. Hey, she's so good and her voice is a heaven! I mean, she's far away better than the contestants in the reality shows airing on the tv! Oh, puh-leasee, even you asking me the name of the contestants I can't tell precisely, cause I never watch that show. Back to Yuna,her voice has been compared to Norah Jones, but enough said, she's good, she's original and she can go far. She's even the Malaysian Goddess!! You go girl!!
5. Watching animes. What else I should do??
Yes,yes,yes....I know what you think. "Hey...this girl is so lazy she's cannot even gets her butt up from bed", or something like this "So you think that you can get in the dean's lists for not studying anything?" or probably this " Heh, I bet she will look soo fat like a balloon after this. What a dork!" Everyone, I thank you for the care and mind from you guys, yes, I did study and make some revision, I understand whic situation I am standing right now, I need to be more focus and conistent in my study.
So,guys, pray for me and I promise I will not let you down.
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