made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dramatically Dramatic

Hello Guys,

Sorry for the lateness for uploading the drama I have mentioned in previous post, my group is doing Medea. The story was from the Greek play, but then we changed this play to suit our settings. So, everything except the plot, we change into the Arabic setting.

The name of the characters:

Medea: Mardiyah- Jiji

Jason: Jamal-me

Princess Creusa: Princess Jasmine

King Creon: King Abdullah

Messenger: Gossip Girl

Cute Princess Jasmine

Hot-tempered Jamal

But during the last class, Kak Mei return out our marks, the drama perfomance's marks. Basically its just a raw mark but I don't know, it looks pretty bad. Sobs.... And I was really2 sad because I expect that we deserved to get better marks..But then its alright, because our lead actress entitled as the most villain actor and the most maniacal laugh.

Hopefully the marks will not be very bad after Kak Mei has recheck it back. Uuu..

p/s: I miss my mom

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