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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to wear Hoojab?


I see that nowadays shawls are quiet popular among teenagers, instead of other various types of hijab/ tudung to cover their aurah. But, the styles of how to wear the hijab is quiet hard to master because its quiet hard to, you know, to tie up and down, there and there, and sometimes the girls will feel uncomfortable to put it on.

Its not that complex I tell you. Yes, maybe its quiet "leceh" and it takes a few minutes to complete the proper style, but if you kinda like to wear arabian styles, how about give it a try?

So now, I'll show you one of the videos on how to wear hijab or hoojab which is tutored by....the native wearer(?) of...hijab.

and the next video is one of the ways how to wear hoojab.

Check it out.

Ok now you already know how to wear the hoojab style, yes it might look quiet elaborate, but its actually worth to try on.

So girls, happy trying!!

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