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Monday, August 30, 2010

Raya's and Raya's

This post is really not worth to read for those who doesn't understand the "colours" and "joyous" of Aidilfitri. Its not going to be a long one but, just a brief about my preparation regarding on my Hari Raya celebration.

Spoilers! No attention grabber, no picture and any kinds of crazy and catchy things in this post because the author is too lazy to upload any.

My preparation for Hari Raya has already started earlier, during the month of June or...much earlier than that. We usually went to Nilai to pick our suitable clothes and usually every single family has their own colour theme. Yes, Macam Boria thingy. Haha, jgn gelak because that's a common phenomenon for our family to have own colour, and it cannot be the same colour with other family members.

Yes, then macam biasela, my dad and my mom ordered for any kerepeks and kuihs to munch, and I think my grandma wants to buy a giant carpet for this year. She looooovesss to buy THINGS. Anythings.

Our colour theme for this year is soft yellow, but I think its going to be more into chocolate because of the tudungs and the kasuts and those stuff. Yeah, its Raya and we celebrate it ONCE a year. Too honest to say in here, but our family is quiet exaggerated sometimes. Hahaha!!!

I hope that everyone also have made preparations for Hari Raya because if you don't, then it will be a troublesome for the last minute preparations to y'all.

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