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Friday, November 12, 2010

My Current Activities

Its a holidayyy!!! Demm!! Can't believe the most hectic and super duper busy semester has finally ended!! Oh, now I can eat mummy slurp banyak2, sleep anytime, watch animes and TV!!!
Gila, perangai macam beruk, mcm xpernah cuti pulak lagak aku ni yea. Ah, tapi aku peduli apa. Sem ni merupakan sem yang paling aku benci. I'm in RAGEEEE!!!!!

Oh, but now let's not talk about the RAGEEE!!!. Dah cuti ni, apakah yg mahu ku buat sempena meraikan hari KEBESARAN setiap students di universiti. Ok, sleeping, watching animes and internet surfing are wajibul! Takde dah main sunat2 ni. Nanti aktiviti tak jalan. Selain tu, we are going to A'Famosa resort on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December. All of my family members, including my uncles, my aunts and my cousins. Oh ku gembira (^_^)~

Dan sementara menunggu hari tu tiba, pe kejadahnya aku nak buat. Ok, fine, I rarely went outside, hanging out with friends, and making myself doing something yg berpekdah. NO. I don't do anything yg berpekdah time cuti. Lol.

So, what I'm stick into now is reading bog. Yes, I do. Blog apa aku suka baca? Ok, jangan peduli atau amik hati apa yang aku tulis kt cni, jgn butthurt sbb walaupun aku nampak baik diluar tapi aku sebenarnya keji di dalam. Haha~ Tak percaya sudey. Ok, ini BLOG sgt COOL!!!! Klik di sini ya kalau mau tengok.

Dan di sini.

Blog beliau memang epic! He's not typical like other meleis yang senang butthurt. Senang2 nak mengkapir kan org. Oh, not for this guy, he is total awesome! And another common thing yg aku suka ialah post dia yg parody tahap tapir! EPIC! Just check him out, but spoilers alert! He will butthurt you back because he firmly believe in his own guts! Sebelum korang nak comment pasal posts dia, pikir2 la dlu k, lagi2 kalau korang disagree dengan opinion dia. Dia mmg suka kalau org disagree ngn dia.

And jgn guna nama ANONYMOUS@ ANON ye klo komen sbb nnt dia xkan layan korang, dia kasi "boo" je kat korang sbb pengecut x taruk nama sendiri. Muahaha~ Budak2 yang lurus bendul dan ala2 Islamik sikit, klau korng xpaham parody, jokes, lame jokes, any swear words yg tahap tapir jgn la sibuk2 nak berdakwah kt sini. Nasihat saya lari cepat2 dari blo ini okes. Blog ini hanya utk org2 keji minda mcm saya okis.

Well, that's all I think. Oh, the last thing I wanna say is that, don't judge me okis, because I don't give a damn about what you want to say bout me. Lulz. Its a complete nonsense if you are trying to advice me and act like a good kid, and, hm, yes, I'm not that so-called-Islamic whatever. So yes. Don't shit me if you don't see your shit first.

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