made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year? Hmm....

Helllooo there New Year!! Imma glad to see you!

Well no resolution for new year, because I never did it for the past years, year is like another day to me. Sound boring, no? Hah, ok I get it. Takde semangat baru dalam hidup? Well, it's not that simple to say if u don't prepare with the new resolution, kan?

-No, WE don't plan our resolutions for this New Year-

Actually, yes, I do have planning and sketching out some of the resolution, BUT not for the New Year. I have made this before that, which is, kalau duit bisiswaku dah masuk, everything's gonna be okay. But HELL, no, the_______thingy still silent macam dah mati. Poodah!

Ok, some improvement which I have made for this semester!!! Hopefully its fine for me:)
  1. Nak improve pointer. Dapat naik ciput pun jadilah. I don't wanna say I have to get 4.00, because its like...too much for me too handle now (-__-"), but Insyaallah, I'll try my best to grasp it!!! Banzai!
  2. I want to be more feminine/ womanly attractive. Kahh! Seriously?? Lol, dammit!! I'm DEAD SERIOUS *malu siot* Cop2x, gapo wei Farah?? Ko dah tak cukup feminin ke skang? Oh, shut up! I'm doing what I must. Most important thing is, just be myself and stay cool. Nge~
  3. Berjimat cermat. Yes. I'm such a bigggg spender!
  4. Improve my cooking skills. Hehe :D
Farah's serious side, ACTIVATED!!!
Ok, tak banyak pun.

Nah, sempena New Year ni, I would like to entertain myself and y'all with the cello's music. Enjoy this video guys :D

Performed by: Apocalytica-Harmageddon

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