and there again...she's beautiful isn't it?? emm....however..FYI-her status: taken. So guys, I really2 sorry for having to tell you this. And for Ainina, sorry for "kepoh-ing" all abot this.
Jannah@ Jane and also Arina are also my best mates ever since we were in matriculation centre. Till now still together and still in the same classroom. They got a very contrast personality, jane is outspoken, active and...hum...and one of the contestants of Toilet Idol while Arina is quiet, shy, and she talks in a very2 low volume so you have to listen up carefully for each words she says. But still, she's one of the best students in our class!
Now, I would like to introduce my schoolmates (^^,)
First and foremost is Nur Hazlina!
Everyone calls her Ina. A very simple person with a very2 complicated kind of thinking. Its hard to understand her well, but once you make friends with her, you may find that to find a very2 good clothes takes an hours and it is still allowable to have a permission from our parents to go out while there's another 1 hour left you wanna rush to prepare for a date. Well the good thing is that she's a law student in USIM and frequently participating in debate competitions...You go girl!!
These trio are the most..well..more precisely, my best friends I ever had. Aziemah@ Gmah, Anisah@ Nisah, and Hazwany@ Wany. We're together since Form 1 and now, all of them succesfully pursue their studies overseas. Nisah is studying at Cairo University, Egypt wih major in medicines, Gmah is also going to further her study..um..I think probably in Australia and Wany is currently doing her A-level supported by Bank Negara! Kayo den kayo~
Well...hehe~ here's another one..in this photo, Gmah and Farahin. This picture was taken during Wany's open house. Farahin is also one of my closest friends, because we sat together in class, we sleep together in class when the teacher is off, and....we were studied together in Wany's house. Nice memory!
Though we are now apart,but our heart is still connected to one another. My friends, Insyaallah one day we will reunite again and lets fullfill our mission to reach the purpose of our life!
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