Holller peeps, I'm soooo tired now, so lets make it simple and straightforward. I need to have a bath after this, so...lets begin shall we!:-)
Firstname: Farah Salwani
Nickname: Farah, or some other might prefer calling me Salwani, Wani, S....but just don't call me sawan. I'm still normal yo~
Name you wish you had: tak de
What do People normally Mistake your Name as: Salwan. Don't misunderstand. Its still a girl's name, she is also in the same course as I am but, yep, we have the similar spelling of name but her's without "i".
Birthday: 26 march 1989
Birthplace: HKL
Time of Birth: Can't remember lol
Single or Taken:Neither both. I love being single;-)
Zodiac Sign: Aries
-Your Appearance-
How Tall are You: I don't know, probably around 154 something....YES, people....I'm lack of inches!!
Wish You were Taller: Oh, my, I wish I had to...I hate my inches cause its soooo hard to find a good jeans.....Sob3...
Eye Color: Blacky black
Eye Color You want: HAH, why would i want another?? But if had to choose one, I prefer grey colour, because it will create an elegant plus mysterious looking. Nice colour:->
Natural Hair Color: Black
Current Hair Color: Same as above, didn't want to kill my hair
Short or Long Hair:Hmmm.....it could be both....but mine is better with______.(Prohibited to tell cause my mouth is already seal)
Ever Dye your Hair a Bizarre Color: Never!
Last Time you did Something Dramatic with your Hair: Cut it real short when i was in Form 4 or 5 something.....and the result is my hair cutting really looks like Anita Sarawak...lol...
Glasses or Contacts: Both, I never wear contacts,but prefer contacts, glasses make me look nerdy lol.
Do you wear Make-up: Only for the eyes, and only once in a blue moon when i feel like it
Ever had Hair Extensions: Nope
Paint your Nails: Nahhh.....never.
-In the Opposite Gender-
What Color Eyes: For Asians, light brown, and for foreigners blue and green and grey, soooo hot
What Color Hair: Anything goes, as long as not lala and disgusting
Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing, though shy ones are hot too
Looks or Personality: Balance of both
Sexy or Cute: Can i have both? XDDD
Serious or Fun: Balance of both, should know when to be fun and when to be serious
Older or Younger than You: I don't mind. As long as they are matured and genuine.
A Turn On: I love muscles man...Hahaha, and smart and clean too.
A Turn Off: Oily hair....ewwwww!!
Flowers or Chocolates: Choco because I love eating, but flowers are nice though.
Pepsi or Coke: Hate both, i choose option 3 milo XD
Rap or Rock: Rock rules man hell yeah!!!
School or Work: option 3 sleep XD
Love or Money: Both
Movies or Music: Both?? Yes,,,both
Country or City: Both, see my mood, but towards city i guess
Sunny or Rainy Days: Rain, so nice and cool, perfect for sleeping XD
Friends or Family: Family first.
-Have you Ever-
Lied: Everybody does
Stole Something: When i was little
Smoked: EWWWWW, no way!
Hurt Someone Close to You: Yes
Broke Someone's heart: I think yes....um,many times too....haha, I'm a heart-breaker monster!!
Had your Heart Broken: Few times
Wondered What was Wrong with You: Always
Wish you were a Prince/Princess: LOL
Liked Someone who was Taken: None that i remember
Shaved your head: Gosh no
Been in Love: Many times!!!
Used Chopsticks: Hehe, in process of training~
Sang in the Mirror to Yourself: I can sing only when I'm alone....mehh...
Flower: Roses i guess lol
Candy: Chocolate
Song: Terlalu Banyak, most recent one is all the Yuna's and Utada Hikaru's songs.
Scent: DKNY Be Delicious.....Yummy!!
Color: Black, white and purple
Movie: French comedy, Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings are the best!
Singer: Utada Hikaru and Yuna are I 'm into right now.
Word: Tired
Junk Food: twisties
Website: sundaycokelat.blogspot.com
Location: anywhere cool and pretty
Animal: Horse ;-)
Ever cried over someone: yups
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: The way i treat some people
Do you think you're attractive: Well...what do you think???
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Beauty and the Beast. All time favourite.
Do you play any sports: Used to play netball in school
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