made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Freaking happy like a nut!

At last.

For the 1st time ever

MySpace I have successfully gotten my vampire series 'Trueblood' at Time Square!!!! *jump for joy* Yeahh...I'm cool,pretty cool man, its like a dreams come true when I saw the series at the shop and I was like" whoaahh, uncle2(I'm referring to the apek kedai) do you have the trueblood series ah?" and he said"yep, which season?" And I was like gonna slap my face disbelieve. I replied,"the 1st and 2nd season?" *oh God, please2...I really2 want it* jeng3....the apek then nodded which makes me wanna hug him like a freak, but I didn't because my you know, I just can't. Duh.

So I said, " So, uncle, both series you kira bape oh?"

"RM90 maaa, gambar manyak cantik lo, kalau u nak I bole pegi amik cikalang tapi u kena tunggu 10 minit maa.." ok, now RM90? WT effinH... MySpace I just withdrawed my money from bank which is around RM200 and now my precious RM 100 just gone like that?

It makes me puzzled, should I or should I not just bought the two dvd's...but I have waited his story for like...forever...think,think,think...should I jst get it downloaded from internet??

Bila pulak aku rajin nak download?

Hm..x rajin, x xpelah, since I've got enough moneyMySpace *insyaAllah* to buy, so I just buy the dvd's..I don't mind actually,my 1st thought was, I never had a plan to buy the dvd's as it was hardly available in Malaysia*most probably xkan ditayangkan di Malaysia* so I think that's fine for me.*wink*

Then, I agreed, sambil membelek2 dvd cases "oklah apek, I take both series." waahhh!!! then,that's it. My precious money*sob*... its gone. But its oklah, I'm hardly ever spending my money for my stuff, because, uh..I always lack of money..yeah.

*goofy smile*

Now I am truly happy like a monkey get his banana.*WTF*

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