But I mind.
Just can't stop laughing. Each and every time we've got class with her, it always be happening and fun..you know, she's like a " I-love-being-bribe-by-my-students" type. Simply you give her a box of chocolate, or ask her out for a movie then she will give you the damn 5 extra marks for your....I don't know, exam??( she never said it though)(~_~)..........
But today class is such a fun. We were talking about Medea, which my group supposed to act during the theater performance....blah blah blah...this and that*with giggles and laughter bcoz of her spontaneous act*...and then she tells us about her story when she off to Medan,Indonesia.
The story is about "sapi" or lembu or cow. She said to us that when she was in Medan, she saw a little animal crossing the road and then she squeeks" ehhh...Sapi!!!" and the taxi driver give her unverified looks that he told her that it was actually a pig!
No kidding man...all of us were laughing like we were being possessed! And all of her time in actual that was the 1st time she ever seen a pig which was about a last year(medan)..and she couldn't recognize it at all because she thinks that a pig should be pink and naked....you know rite?
But the pig that she had seen before was hairy and not pinky....it looks like a little cow...like a little sapi...*sheeeshh*..that's dangerous man, esp. for the muslims. hoho...not to mention that the 1st ever animal that she couldn't recognize well which is the goat and the dog. She told us that she has got bitten by the dog when she was an 8 years old where she thought that the "suppose-to-be-goat"was actually a dog!!
Man! That was soo un-sangka-rable!
And she blame the text books during her school life because of the uglification portrayed of the animals...you know, when they portray the dog and the goat, they look extremely same...She said so.
p/s: Marriage is 3 ring circles-Engagement ring, Wedding ring, and Suffer ring.
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