Here's the man who can lead the Eleven into freedom- Lelouch Lamperouge also known as his alter-ego Zero. Lelouch isn't your typical hero. At first, he started out as a psychotic anti-hero with questionable values, and then he slowly overcame adversity and became worthy of hero title. Yes, eventho banyak kerja jahat dia buat tapi dia ada niat lain disebalik perbuatan dia. Its just for the sake of his sister and the freedom for the future.
Ok, awal2 tgk cite ni,Lelouch is introduced in the first episode of the series as a student of Ashford Academy high school, where he is a member of its student council. A brilliant thinker who is quite talented at chess *fuu*, he lives with his younger sister, Nunnally, with their maid, Sayoko Shinozaki, at a house situated within the compounds of Ashford Academy, where they are looked after by the Ashford family.
The Geass Power
It is an absolute power which is sometimes associated with the Power of the Gods. In the anime, it is associated with the power to command, influence emotion, perception, and memory. It is represented with the red bird-shaped symbol when active. Kiranya, mmg dia gunakan betul2 power yg diberi utk revenge. Revenge is sweet baby.Yeah!
He can be considered as a tragic character because of his mother was murdered, his sister becomes blind and wheelchair bound. His Prince-hood title has been striped, and then he got the power of Geass that give him the power to command but eventually it also destroys his life. Yes, spoiler, ending agak sedih. But, because of his deeds, everyone lives happily ever aftaa.
The Quotes
"I..destroy worlds...create worlds..."
"The world will change. I'll change it."
"We are not terrorists. We are heroes of justice."
"When people lie, they are doing it to protect the ones they love."
"I don't know why snow is white, but I do not hate it. I think it's beautiful."
" Bluffing is an important act of all strategies."
"...We are accomplices...If you are the witch, then I'm the devil himself."
"Only those who prepared to fire should be fired at."
" Father yearned for 'yesterday', you yearn for 'today', I yearn for 'tomorrow'."
" Happiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible. But if you change your angle of viewing a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you."
"In my path to hell, I shall have you accompany me."
"This is a war. Do I need a reason to kill my enemy?"
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."
"To defeat evil, I shall become an even greater evil."
And this is my fav part " Lelouch vi Britannia commands you...all of you...DIE!!!"
There's a lot more. Nak tengok lagi yg best2 sila klik di sini.
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