made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Social Network

You know, it's such a blasphemy if you don't watch this movie. Seriously. Yes, it might have been dramatized and not represent 100% true facts, but it is one of the best movie ever. *excluded Twilight-ass* -> sorry, but it's just freaking lame.

Bloody brilliant.

Yes. I know that the English is quiet difficult to understand since Mark is a really fast-paced talker, but the actor(played by Jesse Eisenberg) resembles and defines the true self of a computer person. *You can say a nerd,because Mark is defined just like that,and now a nerd person is very2 attractive yo*

Ok, Justin is a bit out

Who says this movie is boring? Hell no. Its freaking awesome. Its totally full of interesting facts you might not know like the history of Victoria's Secret and the guy who invented Napster. And also the quotes!!! Oh man, I totally loveeee the quotess!!! That is what you call boring? Boring my @s*!!! Tak paham cakap Enggerish g lah timba ilmu kafir ni lagi. Kapish?

Briefly. This movie is highly recommended. Just watch and shut up. At least have some respect to Mark because he has invented something useful and worth billion. :D:D

One of my favorite quotes in the movie:

Gage: Mr. Zuckerberg, do I have your full attention?

Mark Zuckerberg: [stares out the window] No.

Gage: Do you think I deserve it?

Mark Zuckerberg: [looks at the lawyer] What?

Gage: Do you think I deserve your full attention?

Mark Zuckerberg: I had to swear an oath before we began this deposition, and I don't want to perjure myself, so I have a legal obligation to say no.

Gage: Okay - no. You don't think I deserve your attention.

Mark Zuckerberg: I think if your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have the right to give it a try - but there's no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie. You have part of my attention - you have the minimum amount. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.


Mark Zuckerberg: Did I adequately answer your condescending question?

The rest quotes, boleh tgk kat imdb

Yes,movie ni lambat gila masuk Malaysia. Kalau nak tengok cepat sila download k.

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