made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Here are some of the snapshots from my Sims Medieval game. I love the wizards character which I have made. I made a character named Beatrix Lestrage (familiar with the name guys?), and she's all green. Ok, she's bad in Harry Potter movie, but I made her totally different from the real Beatrix as her name is the only one I think suits her best.And she's a beauty too!

I call upon thou,PYRO!!! Garghh!!!

Look at her hand, isn't it kind of cool? She use a spell while her hand is somewhat rocks!

Oh, this is my spy.his name is Leif something,I'm sorry I totally forgot his name. The picture above shows he is training a priest for a tournament or something, which of course, I can't remember again.


Anonymous said...

sims ada medieval??

Not Your Typical Girl-Next-Door said...

Ada. The sims medieval, tapi graphic dia lain sikit dari the sims 3 yang biasa. kalau nak main game ni tak payah install game sims 3 sbb dia bukan extension game.